Root canals, also known as endodontic treatment, are a routine procedure performed on teeth that have suffered severe decay or become infected. This procedure restores function to your tooth by removing the damaged pulp. It also permanently relieves you of any symptoms.
If the tooth tissue has been damaged or infected, treatment is the only way to save it. Root canal therapy may be necessary if you experience any of these symptoms.
Although an endodontist is a specialist in root canal treatment, the procedure can be done by any general dentist. Call our office today to connect you with a root canal dentist.
The procedure takes approximately one to two hours. It involves the following steps.
The cost of treatment will depend on whether an endodontist or a general dentist treats the patient. Other factors include the type of tooth being treated, how many roots are present, and the extent of the damage. A dental root canal is generally more affordable than other options, such as an extraction or artificial replacement. Your dental insurance may cover part of the cost. To get a price estimate for your root canal, call our office.
The most common procedure for root canals is to place a crown on the front teeth or molars. However, there are other options. An apicoectomy is a procedure that removes the top of a tooth’s root after unsuccessful treatment. Pediatric pulpotomy is another option, which preserves the tooth’s nerve after removing the damaged pulp.
A common myth about root canal treatment and pain is that it can be painful. You shouldn’t feel any pain with the local anesthetics. There is no reason to continue suffering from tooth or mouth pain.