Invisalign® Dentistry in Northampton, MA

Invisalign® Dentistry

If you’re concerned about gaps in your teeth or other alignment issues, metal braces aren’t the only solution. Invisalign® is a discreet, convenient option to help you create the smile you’ve always wanted.

What Are Invisalign Clear Braces?

Invisalign moves your teeth gradually into their correct positions using a series of customized invisible plastic aligner trays that fit over your teeth. The trays are virtually invisible and they progressively move your teeth into place so they are sometimes called clear braces. If you are looking for a convenient way to enjoy a more confident smile, talk to our dentists about Invisalign in Northampton.

How Long Will I Use Invisalign?

The duration of your Invisalign treatment depends on the extent and complexity of your needs. Your teeth are moved into their target positions over a period of about 10 months to two years. The average adult completes treatment in about a year. For teens, treatment length varies more widely.

How Do I Find an Invisalign Dentist?

General dentists or licensed orthodontists can provide this treatment when they complete Invisalign training. Our experienced Invisalign dentists can help you achieve straighter teeth in a convenient amount of time. Contact our office to learn more about your options for Invisalign in Northampton.

How Do I Choose Invisalign vs Braces?

While you may be tempted to choose Invisalign because it is more attractive than metal orthodontia, you should also consider the effectiveness of the treatment. The aligner tray system is often as efficient as braces for correcting mild to moderate issues with spacing, crooked teeth, overbites and underbites. If your bite needs extensive correction or if you have a complex problem, conventional metal braces may be more effective. Our dentists can help you weigh the benefits of Invisalign vs braces so you make the right decision for you.

What Are the Advantages of Invisalign?

You may find that the benefits of Invisalign outweigh metal braces. Here are few perks to Invisalign:

  1. There are no metal wires to irritate your mouth.
  2. Dental office visits are only scheduled every four to six weeks, and you won’t have to deal with adjustments to metal wires or brackets.
  3. You can remove the trays any time you want.
  4. You can enjoy all of your favorite foods without restrictions.
  5. You can clean and floss your teeth more thoroughly.
  6. Your smile is metal-free.
  7. Caring for your aligner trays is simple.

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Can I Get Invisalign?

Invisalign is appropriate for adults and teens with mild to moderate orthodontic problems, but it is not generally recommended for children. If you have significant problems with overcrowding, spacing or bite issues, Invisalign may not be right for you. Contact our office for a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign in Northampton.

What Will Invisalign Cost Me?

Invisalign and traditional metal braces are similar in cost. Our Invisalign dentists will determine your total Invisalign cost based on your specific orthodontic needs. Low-interest financing and flexible payment plans may be available to help reduce your costs.

How Do I Know If I Have Invisalign Insurance Coverage?

Your regular dental insurance orthodontic benefits may cover a large portion of your Invisalign cost. You can contact our office or call your dental insurance provider to find out if your treatment is covered.

What Do I Need to Do After Invisalign Treatment?

Teeth naturally shift over time, but Invisalign retainers help keep your teeth in their correct position after you have completed treatment. Regular check-ups with our Invisalign dentists also help you maintain a straighter, healthier smile.

To discover how Invisalign can help you, contact our office. Book an appointment online.