Dr. Abbas Khan
CEO/Co-founder of A2Z Dental Group serving patients in Western Massachusetts and Connecticut.
- Residential Address: 26 Vincent Circle, South Windsor, CT-06074
2021: Master of American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics (MAAIP).
2021: Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists (FICOI)
2021: Fellow of American Academy of Implant Prosthodontics (FAAIP).
2017: Doctor of Dental Medicine, Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA.
2015: Master of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
2012: Bachelor of Dental Surgery Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, India
Licensed Dental Practitioner- State of Connecticut
Licensed Dental Practitioner – Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
GRE: 311/340
Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) – 3.83 (Dean’s list and High Honors)
Mater of Public Health (MPH) – 4.0 (Dean’s list and High Honors)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) – 3.76 (Topper of the Batch 2007)
- 2017: Dean’s List, Boston University School of Dental Medicine.
- 2017: High Honors, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Boston University School of Dental Medicine.
- 2017: Highest marks in Dental Pharmacology. Boston University School of DentalMedicine.
- 2017: Awarded and felicitated in the award ceremony by The American Academy ofOral and Maxillofacial Radiology for the greatest interest and accomplishment in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
- 2017: Nomination for Omega Kappa Upsilon Honor Society Boston University School ofDental Medicine Chapter.
- 2015: Nominated for Delta Omega Honor Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
- 2012: Awarded University Gold Medals for securing Highest marks in Conservative Dentistry, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital.
- 2012: Awarded University Gold Medals for securing Highest marks in Pedodontics and Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital.
- 2012: Awarded University Gold Medals for securing Highest marks in Oral Surgery, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital.
- 2012: Recipient of Mir Wilayat Medal of Honor, the highest medal of honor for a dental student in the University.
- 2012: Recipient of Dr. Cassim Ebrahim Jeeva Gold Medal for securing highest marks in the BDS 2007 batch.
- 2012: Awarded “Dr. Mohandas Bhat Medal Of Honor” Gold Medal by the Indian Association Of Public Health Dentistry (IAPHD) for securing Highest marks in the entire India in Community and Preventive Dentistry.
- 2020-present: Owner/Clinical Director Advanced Dental Care PC and Associated Dental Care PC.
Working as Owner/Clinical Director providing dental care to an average of 20-30 patients per day including the treatments like:- Immediate load All-on-X and All-on -6 implant dentures
- Root canals for anterior and posterior teeth and Therapeutic pulpotomies.
- Crowns, Post and Cores, Inlays, Onlays and Bridges
- Complete and Partial dentures
- Simple and surgical extractions on adult and pediatric patients
- Placement of Implants and restoration of implants. (ADIN, MIS, Ditron, Neodent, Straumann, Noble)
- Invisalign comprehensive and express treatments § SureSmiles and ClearCorrect treatments.
- 2019-present: Owner/Clinical Director Arch Dental Care PC.
Working as Owner/Clinical Director providing dental care to an average of 20-30 patients per day including the treatments like:- All-on-X and All-on-6 dentures and overdentures
- Root canals for anterior and posterior teeth and Therapeutic pulpotomies.
- Crowns, Post and Cores, Inlays, Onlays and Bridges
- Complete and Partial dentures
- Simple and surgical extractions on adult and pediatric patients
- Placement of Implants and restoration of implants. (ADIN, MIS, Ditron, Neodent, Straumann, Noble)
- Invisalign comprehensive treatments.
- 2018-2019: Associate Dentist at Baystate Dental PC.
Worked in Baystate Dental PC. providing dental care to an average of 15-20 patients per day including the treatments like:- Root canals for anterior and posterior teeth and Therapeutic pulpotomies.
- Crowns, Post and Cores, Inlays, Onlays and Bridges
- Complete and Partial dentures Simple and surgical extractions on adult and pediatric patients
- Placement of Implants and restoration of implants. (ADIN and MIS)
- 2017-2018: Associate Dentist at Dental Dreams LLC.
Worked in Dental Dreams providing dental care to an average of 15-20 patients per day including the treatments like:- Root canals for anterior and posterior teeth and Therapeutic pulpotomies.
- Crowns, Post and Cores, Inlays, Onlays and Bridges
- Complete and Partial dentures
- Simple and surgical extractions on adult and pediatric patients
- 2015-2017: Advanced Standing Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD):
- Fabricated and cemented 9 CEREC crowns.
- Fabricated 6 Complete and 2 Partial dentures.
- Fabricated more than 10 conventional crowns (PFM, PFZ, High Nobel).
- Fabricated and successfully delivered 2 FPDs.§ Restored more than 50 teeth with composites and amalgams.
- Extracted more than 50 teeth in oral surgery posting including the impacted 3rd molars.
- Performed RCTs on the anterior and posterior teeth.
- Performed 26 quads of SRP.
- Placed and learned implant placements in the simulated learning labs.
- March 2016- July 2017: Teaching assistant for Dental Pharmacology, BU School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, USA
- February 2016- July 2017: Teaching assistant for Oral Radiology and Oral Diagnosis, BU School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, USA
- November 2016- Jan 2017: Teaching assistant for Clinical Endodontics, BU School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, USA
- October 2016-December 2017: Teaching assistant for Clinical Removable Prosthodontics, BU School of Dental Medicine, Boston University, USA
- August 2014- January 2015: Teaching assistant for Population, Health and Development at Johns Hopkins University-Homewood Campus, Baltimore, USA.
- October 2012- May 2013: Tutor in Dept. of Pedodontics in Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, AMU, Aligarh
- September 2011- October 2013: Tutored Zoology to high school students in Institute of Competitive Coaching, Aligarh.
September 2016-till date: Working with Dr. Kamyar Raiss Giglou and Dr. Osborne on research project: “Response of peripheral nerves to injury (especially inferior alveolar nerve), and trigeminal nerve dysesthesia treated by nerve resection and allograft reconstruction.
August 2014: Working in a team as Research Assistant with Dr. Norma Kanarek at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute on designing a research model that can be used to increase patient trial enrollments with head and neck cancer.
February 2012- May 2012: Worked as a Research Assistant on a project to determine and study the percentage of non-prescription over the counter drugs consumed by the local population in Northern India employed by Dr. Jameel Ahmad, Department of Pharmacology, AMU.
September 2011- February 2012: As a student researcher worked on the effect of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite used a root canal irrigant and monitored the effects and histological changes in white mice over period of time employed by Prof. M.K. Jindal, Dept. of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College and Hospital, AMU.
- March 2013: Participated in CDE Programme on “Prevent Antibiotic Abuse- Why & How” organized by Department of Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- February 2013: Participated in CDE Programme on “Use of Soft Tissue Dental Lasers in Pediatric Patient: An Overview & Management of Immature Teeth after trauma in children” organized by Department Pedodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- June 2012: Successfully attended Lecture on “Direct and Indirect Veneering and the Concept of Smile Designing” under the able guidance of Dr. Smita Singh in association with IDA Aligarh Branch held at Aligarh.
- February 2012: Oral presentation tilted “Effect of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as root canal irrigant- A histopathological outlook” during the scientific deliberation at 65th Indian Dental Conference hosted by IDA Mumbai Branch, Mumbai.
- February 2012: Participated in the 65th Indian Dental Conference hosted by IDA Mumbai Branch, Mumbai.
- November 2011: Oral presentation titled “Dentinogenesis Imperfecta in different families of same topographical region- A comparative study” during the scientific deliberation at 34th U.P. State Dental Conference held in Allahabad.
- November 2011: Poster presentation tilted “Advances in Oral hygiene maintenance” during the scientific deliberation at 34th U.P. State Dental Conference held in Allahabad.
- November 2011: Participated as a Student Delegate at 34th U.P. State Dental Conference held in Allahabad.
- September 2011: Participated in CDE Programme on “General Dentistry” organized by IPCA Laboratories Ltd. in Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- September 2011: Participated in CDE Programme on “Prosthetic Phase of Dental Implants and live surgery of implant” organized by Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- March 2011: Participated in CDE Programme on “Occlusion in Dental Implants and live demonstration on T scan” organized by Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- March 2011: Successfully attended Lecture / Live surgery on “Oral Implantology on new generation implant-Axiom with live surgery on sinus lift” organized by “DPI-Anthogyr and Department of Periodontics, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- February 2010: Oral Presentation entitled “Use of Lasers in Dentistry a the 63rd Indian Dental Conference IDC, Chennai.
- March 2010: Successfully attended Lecture / Hands-on course on “Rotary Endodontic” under the able guidance of Dr. Smita Singh in association with Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- March 2010: Participated in “National seminar on Recent in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” organized by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- March 2010: Participated in CDE “Programme on Edentulism in India” and “Asepsis in Dentistry” organized by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- September 2010: Participated in the Lecture/hands on course on “Management of traumatized tooth” organized by Department of Conservative Dentistry, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- December 2009: Participated in CDE “Interpreting Extra Oral Radiographs” organized by Department of Oral pathology/Oral Medicine &Radiology, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- November 2009: Participated as student delegate in FDI IDA CDE 2009 & U.P. State Dental Conference held in Varanasi.
- November 2009: Oral Presentation titled “Current Methods of Caries Diagnosis” during the scientific deliberation at 32nd U.P. State Dental Conference held in Varanasi.
- February 2009: Participated in CDE “Recent Advances in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery” organized by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh.
- February 2009: Participated and contributed towards the success of 62nd Indian Dental Conference held in Nagpur.
February 2014 – May 2014: Apollo White Dental Spa
September 2011- January 2013: Rome Dental Clinic
July 2014-till date: Dr. Butt’s Orthodontics, Somerville, MA, USA.
September 2013-January 2014: Dr. Butt’s Orthodontics, Somerville, MA, USA.
July-September 2012: Dr. Butt’s Orthodontics, Somerville, MA, USA.
August 2012: Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Boston, MA, USA.
August 2012: Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Boston, MA, USA.
September 2016: Volunteered at Bay Cove Human Services’ GILL CENTER Wellness Fair as dental screener to increase health awareness through education and prevention on ·August 2016: Volunteered at Mass CARE Health and Fitness Fair (HFF) as a screener and oral health promoter for HIV positive women and their families.
August 2016: Volunteered at Hayley House to help to cook, serve, and clean up for those made vulnerable by the harshest effects of inequality move toward wholeness and economic independence.
June 2016: Volunteered at Orchard Garden School field trip with other students, faculty, staff, and pre-dent volunteers in educating 69 second grade children from the Orchard Gardens School.
April 2016: Volunteered Notre Dame Educational Center (NDEC) Dental Health Fair as recorder and oral health educator on April 26,2016 at NDEC, a center for immigrants who come from all over the world and other adult learners can rebuild their lives as they develop confidence in their ability to communicate in English and further their education.
March 2014: Organized a Dental Hygiene Camp under the student NGO Soch…beyond Imagination (Reg. No.- 1586 Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 1860, India) for the visually and physically challenged people on World Oral Health Day, Aligarh.
June 2013: Organized a Workshop on Monitoring Human Rights Programme under the student NGO Soch…beyond Imagination (Reg. No.- 1586 Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 1860, India) with the help of People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights educating 530 people about basic human rights, Aligarh.
June 2013: Organized a Disaster Management Camp under the student NGO Soch…beyond Imagination (Reg. No.- 1586 Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 1860, India) to help the Uttarkhand Flood Victims, Uttarkhand.
June 2013: Organized a Plant a Tree Camp under the student NGO Soch…beyond Imagination (Reg. No.- 1586 Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 1860, India) on the occasion of World Environment Day planting 100 trees in Aligarh.
Feb-Mar 2012: Active member of “Bright Smiles Bright Future” Dental Camp which is one the biggest dental camp which included educating and examining of 18978 students sponsored by IDA-Colgate Palmolive India held at Aligarh and Mahamayanagar district.
December 2011: Program In charge in a “Dental Health Education Camp” in “Blossom Public School” in which 500 students from class Vth to Xth were examined and educated on different Dental Diseases, Oral Hygiene Methods including Brushing Techniques held at Aligarh.
Mar 2011-till date: Vice- President of Jagriti Seva Sansthan (Registered under U.P societies ACT, registration number-375), a nonprofit nongovernment organization.
May 2011: Organized a “Dental Health Education Camp” in “Our Lady of Fatima, Secondary School (a branch of St. Marys convent), Ramghat Road, Aligarh” on in which 1310 students from Class Vth to Xth were educated on different Dental Diseases, Oral Hygiene Methods including Brushing Techniques.
April 2011: Organized and Participated in Blood Donation Drive organized by AMU Students’ Union held at Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, AMU, Aligarh.
November 2010: Member of the team that organized a “Dental Camp in District Jail Aligarh” in which 220 patients have been examined and treated for Dental Caries and Periodontal diseases.
April 2010: Member of the team that organized a “Dental Camp in District Jail Aligarh” in which 334 patients have been examined and treated for Dental Caries and Periodontal diseases.
2007-2012: Actively worked for a non-profit non-government social work organization called ‘Rashtriya Jan Vikas Manch’.
2007-2012: Active member of a non-profit non-government social organization called “Drug Society”.
2021: Master and Fellow American Association of Implant Prosthodontics, USA.
2021: Member of American Association of Implant Prosthodontics, USA.
2021: Fellow of International Congress of Oral Implantologists, USA.
2021: Member of International Congress of Oral Implantologists, USA.
2016: President, American Association of Public Health Dentistry BU Chapter, Boston University School of Dental Medicine.
2014: Vice President of Student Assembly, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Public Health, Baltimore, USA
2014: Student Representative, Committee on Academic Standards for the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
2014: Member of Career/ Alumni Liaison for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.
2014: Member of Focus Committee, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA.
2013: Founder of student NGO named Soch…beyond imagination (Reg. No.- 1586 Registered Under Societies Registration Act. 1860, India), Aligarh.
2012: Student Representative, Indian Dental Association (IDA), Aligarh Branch.
2012: Club Secretary for Non Resident Students Club (NRSC) which consists of more than 6500 students.
2011-till date: Vice- President of Jagriti Seva Sansthan (Registered under U.P societies ACT, registration number-375), a nonprofit nongovernment organization.
2010–2011: President Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital Society, AMU, Aligarh.
2010–2011: Member of “Students Grievance Redressal Committee of Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital” for the session, AMU, Aligarh.2009-2010: Executive member of “AMU SOCRATICS”.
2009-2010: “General Secretary” Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital Society, AMU, Aligarh
2008- 2009: “Joint Secretary (Sports)” Dr. Z.A. Dental College and Hospital Society, AMU, Aligarh.
2008-2012: Member of Indian Dental Association (IDA) under the Registration No. 79253.
2001-2002: Junior Captain of School House (Gandhi House), Our Lady of Fatima school (a branch of St. Marys Convent).
Playing basketball, cricket, and football.
Participating in debates, dramas, and dances.
Determined and confident person with ardour for success.
I certify that all the information furnished by me is true to my knowledge and assure of working to the best of my abilities.